2024 Volunteer Toolkit

Help support Sarah Lawrence College! 
Click here to learn how you can be a fundraiser!

Thank you for being part of our team by becoming a Giving Day Volunteer! Committed Sarah Lawrence supporters like you—who give and encourage others to do the same—will be key to ensuring Sarah Lawrence Giving Day is a success.

Use the resources below to help demonstrate your Sarah Lawrence College pride and spread the word about Giving Day. Every Sarah Lawrence Giving Day post and email you share leading up to and on Giving Day will contribute to the day’s success.

If you already have a GiveGab login from a previous Sarah Lawrence Giving Day, log in to GiveGab.com with your existing credentials, and click to access your dashboard on the very first Fundraising Page you see under the, “Your Personal Fundraisers” section. This leads to your most recent fundraiser page!

Also, make sure to follow Sarah Lawrence College on Facebook (@sarahlawrencecollege), Twitter (@SarahLawrence) and Instagram (@sarahlawrencecollege). Most importantly: HAVE FUN!

Email Guide


Social Media Tips


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